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Plywood Handheld

Imagesource: https://www.hackster.io/

A fine project without specific retro character but quite suitable for friends of old 8-bit systems came from a computer science student named "cultsauce" this week.

His DIY project is something for everyone who just had another fight with their soldering iron last night. 😈

Built only from plywood and cork, the thing houses an ATTiny85 MCU, a 120x64 pixel microdisplay, a bit of other stuff and wires. After a few hours you hold it in your hands … a portable and minimalistic game console!

After the tinkering lesson, you can at least play Snake, and if you've tasted blood, you're invited to do your own experiments.

I would at least be curious to see the looks of the people, when you get into the subway with the thing.

Cool project!

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